Ashurova Dilfuza Tashpulatovna
Ashurova Dilfuza Tashpulatovna – d.m.s., the senior lecturer - was born 1973 in Tashkent. Formation{education} the maximum{supreme}. Managing faculty « Propaedeutics of children's illnesses, hematology ».

Axrarova Nigora Abdugaparovna
Axrarova Nigora Abdugaparovna – с.m.s. the docent.– was born 1962 in Tashkent. Education the supreme. The Dosent to faculty «Propaedeutics of children's diseases». Tel: +998 (71) 2123238
Nadjmiddinova Mahsuma Anvarovna
Nadjmiddinova Makhsuma Anvarovna was born 1962 in Tashkent. The higher education, since 1999 works as the associate docent and a head course of "Hematology" in TashPMI. 2018, associate docent "Propaedeutics of children's diseases, hematology".

Sharapov Bobur Otkirovich
Sharapov Bobur Utkirovich was born 1964 in Tashkent. The higher education, in 1987 year SAMPI has ended and has come to an internship after the "Pediatrics" direction to 1988 year has ended training. Since 2016, the associate docent "Propaedeutics of children's diseases, hematology".

Tursunova Oliya Abduraufovna
Tursunova Oliya Abduraufovna – was born in 1971 in Tashkent. Education the supreme. The assistant to faculty « Propaedeutics of children's diseases ». Tel: +998 (98) 3099310 e-mail: oliya 1112 @

Umarova Marguba Sayfitdinovna
Умарова Маргуба Sayfitdinovna - родился в 1963 году в Ташкенте. Образование высшим. Ассистент кафедры «пропедевтики детских болезней». Тел: +998 (71) 2258907

Ergashev Sherali Bahtiyarovich
Ergashev Sherali Bahtiyarovich – was born in 1984 in Tashkent. Education the supreme. The assistant to faculty « Propaedeutics of children's diseases ». Tel: +998 (93) 3859687.
Sharipova Zilola Ubaydullaevna
Sharipova Zilola Ubaydullayevna was born 1978 in Bukhara. The higher education, in 2003 year TashPMI has ended, 2005 year have come to an internship after the "Neonotologiya" direction, 2007 year has ended training. Since 2015 works as the assistant to department "Propaedeutics of children's diseases, hematology".

Mambetkarimova Muslima Sadiraddinovna
Mambetkarimova Muslima Sadiraddinovna – was born in 1985 in Karakalpakstan. Education the supreme. The assistant to faculty « Propaedeutics of children's diseases, hematology ». Tel: +998 97 7003846
Yadgarova Norbibi Djabbarovna
Yadgarova Norbibi Djabbarovna was born 1962 in Surhandarya. The higher education, in 1989 year SAMPI has ended and has come to an internaturship after the "Neonatology" direction to 1990 year has ended training. Since 2018, the associate assistant "Propaedeutics of children's diseases, hematology".

Nurmatova Nadira Sandjarovna
Nurmatova Nadira Sandjarovna was born 1991 year in the city of Tashkent. 2008 I have entered the institute of TashPMI. 2015 year having ended a bachelor degree and have entered the magistr course after the «Pediatrics» direction in TashPMI and 2018year have safely ended.

Hodjayeva Iroda Abdulhaevna
Hodjaeva Iroda Abdulhaevna was born 1989 in Tashkent. The higher education, in 2013 year TashPMI has ended and has come to an magistrship after the "Pediatrics" direction to 2016 year has ended training. Since 2018, the associate assistant "Propaedeutics of children's diseases, hematology".
Hadjiyeva Zilola Ulugbekovna
Hadzhiyeva Zilola Ulugbekovna was born 1992 in Tashkent. 2008 I have entered the institute of TashPMI, 2015 I have ended a bachelor degree of TashPMI. 2015 I have entered the MA course after the direction of "Pediatrics" of TashPMI and 2018 I have safely ended. In 2018 I have gone to work in TashPMI as the assistant to department of Propaedeutics of children's diseases, hematology.

Sadikova Rayhon Rahimbekovna
Sadikova Rayhon Rahimbekovna was born 1988 in Tashkent. The higher education, in 2014 year TashPMI has ended and has come to an magistrship after the "Child cardiology and reumatology" direction to 2017 year has ended training. Since 2018, the associate assistant "Propaedeutics of children's diseases, hematology".